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Question: bowflex machine question?
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please go to the following site...http://www.bowflex.com/buildMachine/WBuild.asp ok now what is the best value machine. the "blaze" doesn't have adjustable pulley's. is that a big disadvantage. the next one up from the blaze is the extreme for $1099, but it doesn't have a leg extension. so you'd need the extreme for $1299. whats the best value for the best workout? thankscan anyone answer the actual question???????? thanks
Answer#1: The Blaze looks like a Sport with some cosmetic changes. I have a Sport, and can tell you that the adjustable pulley are not needed. I've never had them, so I don't miss them at all. Check out CostCo. They have a model called the Elite (link below) that is only sold by them. It is basically a beefed up Sport/Blaze. For only $100 more, you get an extra 200 lbs of power rods and adjustable pulleys. If it was available when I bought mine, I would done this instead.
Answer#2: DO NOT, and i say DO NOT buy a bowflex. they are for putting the finishing touches and scuklpting muscle not building it. NO PROFESSIONAL bodybuidler uses that bowflex crap. You just got do basics like... SQUAT, BENCH, CURL .
Answer#3: Get a cinder block and lift it over your head 100 times a day. That should do it and it is free!
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