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Question: bowflex question?
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please go to the following site...http://www.bowflex.com/buildmachine/wbui... ok now what is the best value machine. the "blaze" doesn't have adjustable pulley's. is that a big disadvantage. the next one up from the blaze is the extreme for $1099, but it doesn't have a leg extension. so you'd need the extreme for $1299. whats the best value for the best workout? thanks
Answer#1: The Blaze looks like a Sport with some cosmetic changes. I have a Sport, and can tell you that the adjustable pulley are not needed. I've never had them, so I don't miss them at all. Check out CostCo. They have a model called the Elite (link below) that is only sold by them. It is basically a beefed up Sport/Blaze. For only $100 more, you get an extra 200 lbs of power rods and adjustable pulleys. If it was available when I bought mine, I would done this instead.
Answer#2: I have a bowflex.It's ok and it can help to get yourself very fit and strong. A total gym can do the same for much less. they can be fitted with options that will rival any machine. I've owned both and it still boils down to how dedicated your are to get yourself fit.Really think about how dedicated you are before you spend a lot of money on a future coat rack. BTW ...I have had both for over 10 yrs and have yet to break either one. My bowflex is maxed at 410 lbs and the total gym can handle 200lbs of plates plus body weight.
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