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Question: is bowflex good?
Question Description:
I'm not the smallest guy but i'm not huge tooI'm 5'11'' 230 lbs and I had some good muscle on me but i didnt work out for 4 years and I got little chubbyI wanted to know if bowflex would be a good choice for me?I want to burn off the fat, cut my muscles and maybe grow them little bit..it doesnt have to be muchI can do 1-2 hr a day on it 5-6 times a week
Answer#1: It is on the pricey side, but it is a good machine. I have one at home, and can do a full body workout on it. It is safer than free weights, and you don't need a spotter. It's easy and quick to change from one exercise to the next, which will keep your heart rate up and give you a good cardio workout at the same time you strength train with it. If you are going to buy one new, I would go with a lower end machine, like a Blaze (use to be called Sport), or CostCo use to have a model called the Elite. Check if they still have them. Also, get the book "The Bowflex Body Plan". It explains pretty much everything you need to know about using a Bowflex, and has some good exercise routines to get you started.
Answer#2: The bowflex is the best machine iv ever used. I bought the bowflex last year and iv'e lost 15 pounds and gain 4 pounds of muscle. I would definitly recommend it.
Answer#3: it's great
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