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Question: Accuracy of Elliptical trainers?
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I go to the gym 3-5 times a week and typically use an elliptical machine for 45-60 minutes each time. I like using the elliptical better because it's softer on my knees than running on a treadmill.The type of elliptical machines the gym has is the Precor EFX576i. On the machine it has the heart rate monitor thing where you can grip the handles and it displays your heart rate. Also, before you begin on the elliptical it asks you to enter your age and weight in order to keep track of your calories that you burn. So my question is, how accurate is the calorie burnt number that is displayed on the machine?After 45-60 minutes it says i burn anywhere from 700-1100 calories. So with entering my age and weight, is the 700-1100 calories burnt right or does it over estimate?Heres a link to the machinehttp://www.precor.com/comm/en/efx/576i/if this helps, i typically set the resistance level to about 7 on the ellipitical
Answer#1: The machine is pretty accruate. I mean, it's hard to say for sure what anybody's calories are, but by taking your wieight,age and heart rate into account, i's pretty accurate. The heavier you are, the more you burn as well. For example, when I use an elliptical machine, in 30 minutes I burn around 400 calories. I am 130 lbs. My bf will do the same thing, with the same resistence, and burn closer to 600 because he is 200lbs. 1100 seems high, but if you are doing an entire hour, I think it's possible. Also, as a note, ellipticals are softer on your body, but they don't help you train the way a treadmill would (which I know i hard on the knees). So you'll find f yo are running you are still out of breath,that's why. Remember to switch up your routine every 6 weeks or so to continue to "shock" your body.
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