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Question: Treadmill???
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I just bought a treadmill and work out at home and i was wondering how come when i get off after a workout i am off balance? does this happen to everyone. heartrate is normal but a little unbalnced when i step off treadmill.
Answer#1: if you're running on the treadmill make sure you switch to a slow walk before you get off. be careful now!
Answer#2: My suggestion is gradually turn down the running speed to a 2 minute walking cooldown mode. You'll have better balance ... and its good to have a cooldown motion anyway.
Answer#3: ur not unbalanced, but u are use to the motion of treadmilling. After running on the same spot for some time ur brain gets use to it and when u get off, if feel's like ur still on the treadmill cept ur feet arent moving...just walk it off and itll be gone within a minute.
Answer#4: no
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