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Question: Treadmill?
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Is going on the treadmill a good thing for lowering body fat?
Answer#1: Yes, walking or running is great for burning fat. Additionally, you should also do some resistance or weight training workouts to build muscle.
Answer#2: you dont haft to eat less just choose healther things to eat, like intead of pizzia hut, choose subway. But if you are obess or close to it, then yes the tredmill will burn fat in weeks if you keep up on it, but if you are a healthy size/weight, then maybe not, but if you want to trim up, focus on building muscle/ or just toning up.
Answer#3: Why wouldn't it be, thats the purpose of it.
Answer#4: sure it is. it takes some serious effort and if you don't sweat then you are not pushing yourself hard enough. go as fast as you can without feeling like you will fall off and then try to go faster. it is the equivalent of walking and should be done for about 45 minutes each day.
Answer#5: yes
Answer#6: Definitely, treadmill offers the best cardio work out, good for the heart and best calorie burner... easier and less stressful... take time at it at least 30mins a day... =) Goodluck...
Answer#7: yes
Answer#8: Eat less exercise more! The only formula for lowering body fat. Any exercise will work, just do it regularly!
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