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Home » Q & A » Treadmill

Question: Treadmill?

Question Description:
My parents are getting me a treadmill for having a g.p.a of 3.5. Good decision or not? I'm fifteen. I need one.

Answer#1: Sure, why not? Do you want a treadmill? Just be happy and use it, I guess.

Answer#2: I think your parents are doing you a great job getting a treadmill. Congratulations on your 3.5 gpa.Take full advantage of it. It's never too early to get in shape or to stay in shape. Look around you and I'm sure you'll see many people who need a treadmill.Enjoy yourself and keep up the good work at school.

Answer#3: if you need one but the main thing is making sure you rin on it on a regular basis...

Answer#4: If you really want it, why not. They will probably end up using it too, so talk to them as getting it as a present for the family.

Answer#5: Many patients ask me how they can slim down. I am against prescription pills because I prescribed them many years ago, and some of my patients became very ill. I now recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little "help", I now recommend Hoodia (it's important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says "pure" or "standard".The Hoodia being sold at is in my opinion, the best product on the market. It's pure, no side effects, and it's only $4.97 for 2 weeks (yes, less than $5 !). My patients have seen dramatic results with this particular Hoodia.

Answer#6: Well if you really need it, then yes it is a good decision.

Source: Questions and Answers Powered by Yahoo! Answers