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Question: Treadmill or Treadclimber?
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I'm over the whole gym thing and I want to try working out at home. I'm considering buying a fairly cheap treadmill or making payments on a BowFlex Treadclimber. I know when it comes to treadmills, they can be quite pricey and the warranties arn't that great. Has anyone used the new treadclimber? Did you see results? How long?
Answer#1: The Treadclimbers tend to break down a lot and have a lot of mechanical problems. The two biggest problems are the motors and the hydraulic pistons. The motors are smaller than soup cans and run at a very high RPM...think about how small a soup can is and you realize that's not a lot of power to be pulling your weight while you work out on it. Add that to running hot and at a high RPM and you have a recipe for a short lived motor with a lot of speed slippage issues.The pistons are the other point of trouble and one we're called to do repairs on a few times a week at my repair shop. The chain drives on stairclimbers are a lot more reliable and the hydraulics on the Treadclimber can get gunked up if you don't maintain them very carefully.The final problem we encounter a lot is in the control panels. They are very nonresponsive and have a lot of "sticking" issues. You may find the machine speeding up quicker than you want it to and not being able to turn it off!The Treadclimber is an interesting concept, but their design is way too complicated and too prone to breaking down. I'd stick with a treadmill.-The Treadmill Senseiwww.treadmillsensei.com
Answer#2: I have used both machines actually, the treadmill i believe is a VERY good cardio tool, and I highly recommend using one if you want to lose some pounds around your thighsthe treadclimer, the way its designed, targets your butt area and your calves moredepending on what you want to work on more you could go either way, but when it all comes down to it, its all about pure effort
Answer#3: When my grand-daughter started with her new treadclimer she was very enthusiastic.You can only get results by effort.Personally I reckon a good walk and healthy diet are as good as these treadies.My g-daughter says she's lost three pounds,in two weeks
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