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Question: Exercise bike...?

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I bought a stationary exercise bike and set it up in front of the TV. Problem is... I'm incredibly lazy and unmotivated!Any tips to help me stay on for more then 5 minutes?I desperately need motivation!!!!

Answer#1: Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay $6.95 shipping and handling.

Answer#2: self motivation is best motivation else there is some substitute like air-condition,music,video-game cycle where you have to play the game on cycle(real) where you have to clear the stages and every stage contain 5 minutes.i think now your problem would surely solved.

Answer#3: dangle a carrot in front of it lol nah im jking but seriously get a friend to help or by a pari of jeans that are too small and remind yourself of your goal each day

Answer#4: Don't turn the TV on when you start. Use a timer and set it for 5 minutes. Exercise for the 5 minutes and then put the TV on. Do more if you want and see what happens.

Answer#5: number one switch the dam tv off it will distract you,it is ok to listen to music however,drill into your head a routine say half an hour before dinner but never after a meal,think about what you will achieve,most of all set yourself a goal.gud luck and keep at it

Answer#6: something called will-power (you're lacking)...FIND IT. just get on the bike & don't get off until your show is over. ( half hour show is good ) before you know it, it gets easier

Answer#7: Have you got a particular TV programme you like to watch. I found that if I cycled during the programme from one set of adverts to the next it gave me a target to aim for and roughly 15 minutes of TV time then I could get off and enjoy the rest of the programme. Good luck and hope this is of some help

Answer#8: even 5 minutes 2 or 3 times a day is better than nothing. Challenge yourself to go that extra minute or two. Then the next time make that your new go to line! Good luck

Answer#9: sell it and get a real bike then you can get out of the house.

Source: Questions and Answers Powered by Yahoo! Answers