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Home » Q & A » Whey Protein

Question: whey protein.?

Question Description:
i do track at school. i do weight lifting for track, and pushups. i bought whey protein and i plan on using it. i would like to get a little bigger arms, pecs, and wrists(my wrists are very thin.) will whey help me, and whow much should i use a day.( 1 serving is 43 grams of protein.i dont do a lot of weight lifting, just 2 days a week!

Answer#1: The best way to gain muscle is weight training, and you help you gain muscle your body needs 1.5 -2 grms of protein per lb. of body weight. So if you weight 165lbs. you need 247-330 grms of protein a day. A chicken breast has about 50grms. So unless you want to eat 6-7 chicken breasts a day you need to supplement w/ protien shakes and bars. You need to figure out how much protein you eat a day and use the whey to fill in the rest. Try and break up your meals into 6 equal meals the best you can, a protein shake counts as a meal. Good luck.

Answer#2: take the recommended dosage, and just because you aren't lifting doesn't mean you aren't working out. Even while running you are using your arms, and it will give you prolonged energy for competition, as well as help muscle repair.

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