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Home » Q & A » Whey Protein

Question: Whey Protein?

Question Description:
When is the best time to drink it?

Answer#1: Make sure you get the highly digestible and bioavailable variety which is a 100% ISOLATE variety. Try not to buy one that is concentrated or a concentrate mix with an isolate. Spend your money wisely...get the best bang for your buck...

Answer#2: Optimally you'd have to consume about 15-20 grams of whey protein once an hour. Whey protein by itself digests superfast. Most people have it mixed with other protein sources so they have a sustained release of amino acids in the body. I take whey protein by itself : first thing in the morning before I shower (i eat a full breakfast about 45 minutes later), and also i split 40 grams worth of whey protein during and after my weightlifting workout.

Answer#3: before and after your workout.... or with every meal to meet your protein needs.

Answer#4: Most studies (and the latest) show that the best time to drink it is 30 minutes to an hour before you work out and then a drink right after. I am sure if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different answers....everyone's body reacts differently. Good luck with your workouts!!:)

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