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Question: Is Muscletech Hydroxycut safe and/or effective for people who have no intrest in bodybuilding?
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Answer#1: It is healthy for non-body builders but it doesn't work. I just did more cardio (running) and muscle toning and eating dietary foods like South Beach. You should go on www.sparkpeople.com. There you can track what you eat and how you exercises. Good luck!
Answer#2: if this you in pic. you do not need to lose weight
Answer#3: I don't see why not, it is an aid to help burn fat regardless if you work out or not.....it is NOT a muscle supplement as the person above me suggests I do know that much
Answer#4: probably not. i think it is a muscle supplement while bodybuilding. i'm not sure it would do much for you if you were just eating right and running on a treadmill to lose wieght.
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