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Question: D-Bol muscle builder?

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If you have taken the steriod D-Bol please give me some info about it and side effects..... my husband wants to take it... he is 21 and 6'4 and 220 lbs........... he already has some muscle but wants to get bigger..... but im scared that it will mess his sperm count up or make him mean or even kill him or diable him.... i know nothing about d-bol so anyone who has tried it please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much

Answer#1: It's much better to take sustenon 250 once a week combined with deca durabolin 400 mil a week for 3 months, slowey tappering of towards the end. Both are injectables but there is no real worry about side effects. The problem with any pills, not just steroid pills including the over the counter pain killers is that they possess chemicals to prevent them from breaking down in the liver, raising your liver enzymes. I'f he insists on the pills, tell him start with 10 mil a day for the first 2 weeks, then switching to 5 mil for a total of 2 months. Stay away from alcohol in the meen time or other pain killers. Once again injectable steroids are very safe. The issue with sperm count, in high doses your count can decrease, but ounce you stop it will go back to normal. Totaly reversable and temporary, not to worry. In europe men are given 600 mill of testosterone a week as birth control, with almost no side effects, after they they stopped sperm count was back to normal after a few weeks.

Answer#2: Some side-affects that can be seen with high doses (30+ mg/day) are acne, gynaecomastia, high blood pressure, and male pattern hair loss. Doses of 50+ mg can be very dangerous. Remember that more is not necessarily better. There are long-term effects with prolonged usage of steroids.If he uses it and takes a low to moderate dose, he should do a single morning dose. If doing a high dose, he should spread it out into multiply (3-4) servings. If he doesn't follow up with a good post-cycle anti-estrogen (e.g., Nolvadex) then he will lose most of what he gains.A cycle should never last more then 5-6 weeks as it can be very toxic to the liver. D-Bol also causes the body to store more sodium, so he should watch his sodium intake. See my source for more helpful information.And if you can, try to keep him of the roids.

Answer#3: Liver toxicity, depression, hair loss, breast tissue growth, and the inevitable post-cycle crash due to unnaturally low test levels. if he's going to do this, make sure he knows how to properly cycle, and MAKE SURE he has a post-cycle plan to bring his natural test levels back up to speed. As his wife, get ready for one sexually needy guy.He's pretty young to do steroids (or be married IMO)... what's his deal? His test levels should already be plenty high to encourage growth. If his nutrition and lifestyle isn't spot-on, don't bother wasting money on steroids. Discipline and dedication will get better long-term results. I have a feeling your guy is looking for a quick fix.

Answer#4: well it will shrink his testicles not his private as people think. Its all water weight that he will gain and not muscle. What happens is that when he stops taking the gear he will then lose the water weight any lifting he did while on it will show once the water disappears and he will seem a little more ripped. As far as staying on it he would look bulked up but again not from muscle but only water. He will have to keep going to doctors every 3 months and checking his kidney and liver levels and on his off months would need to take a counter steroid so he doesn't build to much estrogen and so forth. There is clomid for these types of off peek problems. Its to much trouble for simple gains. The only people that benefit from taking steroids are weight lifters in competitions and wrestlers to show that they are buffed up. If he doesn't do any of these he is just being vain and trying to follow a dream of being big. Tell him to continue to lift and do it the right way other wise hes looking at a life of chemo therapy or dialysis if he messes up. Dont enable him with these things if you truly love him. Keep your foot down, As well if you plan to have kids there has been mention that you are messing up your dna strands and could pass down to your children some mental disfunctions or worse. Lots of problems for just 20 lbs of looking good. And last as i just mentioned with weight, if he does it natural he could gain 8 lbs a month, with gear "Steroids" he would gain aprox 11lbs a month so as you can see not a big difference.

Answer#5: I haven't used it. but I've read it can do harm to your liver. Other side effects include gynocomastia (bit*h tits), high blood pressure, water retention and acne. I don't know about sperm counts. As with steroids, small doses are often harmless, but people get hooked on to them that they use them in extremely large quantities.

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