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Question: For Muscle Builders, I think Protein shakes and all these Supplements?
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are a waste of time, if not then explain how all these guys in jail go in scrawny little punks then come out HUGE, and well defined. They don't get to eat 5 meals a day, nor do they get special proteing shakes, or bars or any of that, and they come out RIPPED!
Answer#1: I work in a prison and the reason this happens is because thier not doing drugs and alcohol everyday. thier eating 3 squares a day. thier not awake for days on end thier getting sleep everyday. they excercise everyday to get past the boredom. even the ones in lock down. and the prison store sells all the vitamins, supplements, and protien bars. and thier using them. thats why
Answer#2: yea... but they have nothing but time...... if you had no job and do nothing but workout for wholeday and take protein shakes your gonna be even more ripped!
Answer#3: Do you have any idea how slow that process is? It probably took them at least three years to actually gain muscle. With the help of supplements, the process becomes faster than ever. Some people gain 10 pounds of muscles in 3 months time.
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