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Question: Treadmill workout - some questions and tips?
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Background....I am 177 Cm tall (5' 10") and weigh 104 KG. 37 yrs old.I have a BP problem for which I tale medicine daily to keep it under check. However, I sweat profusely (I mean really very much). This happens when I climb stairs, walk fast, enter a warm area and even when I have a head massage.Problem.....Recently I bought a treadmill (manual type). Within a minute of using, I sweat and my pulse races to 120+. Soon it reaches 142+ and stabilises. I start to sweat heavily.I start getting palpitations.Questions.Is it Ok for me to use the treadmill.How long do I work out. What should be the max pulse rate. How many calories do i need to loose per exercise.
Answer#1: you should talk to your doctor before exercising if this is the effect it is giving you. Until the Dr. gives the ok, I wouldn't use it if I were you.
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