Question #1: Do I Need A Surge Suppressor for my treadmill, is a weslo g-30?????help me plss?
Answer: Unless you have an extra one lying around, no.
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Question #2: Has anyone used the Weslo folding treadmills? Are they good?
Answer: Stay away from Weslo products...they are a piece
of crap. The welding comes loose and they
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Question #3: Are Weslo Momentum ellipticals worth paying $180 for?
Or should I invest in a more expensive
Answer: walmart has a great one for like three hundred and
it's a steal! check it out... great options and
feels good for the price.
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Question #4: I want to sell a Weslo Cadence DX 12 treadmill in excellent condition, what should I price it at?
it is not on ebay anywhere
Answer: I would check out the average price on ebay....
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Question #5: Where should I buy an Elliptical?
I'm thinking of buying an elliptical. I don't want
one over $250. I want one that is at a good price
but can work really well. Where can I buy one like
that? I'm looking for some stores.If you have used
an elliptical and have lost a great amount of
weight in a month or two please tell me which
product you used and how much you lost.I'm
thinking of buying the Momentum 745 Elliptical
Trainer from Weslo. If you have used it tell me
how it works.Thanks!!!!!!!I'm looking for stores I
can actually GO to.I want a NEW Elliptical.If you
have ussed one tell me how it works, how many
pounds you have lost and what brand was it. Thanks
Answer: check and classifieds first. I once
got a stairmaster for free!!
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Question #6: Need to know how to put a weslo quadra force together, have gotten it free and no instructions HELP?
i need some help any one!! i have gotten a weslo
quadra force home gym for free and now i dont know
how to put it together b/c i recived it with out
an owners manual and also no instuctions. i
geussed the half of it and got most of it right
and now down to the pulleys and just dont
understand them HELP!!!!!!! please
Answer: You need the serial number from the unit...go to
the link nelow and enter it in and you can
download the manual in .pdf format.
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Question #7: does anybody own a Weslo Cadence C44 treadmill? What do you guys think about it? Good product or not?
Answer: My sister has it. She likes it and says she really
likes the soft cell cushioning. Hope this helps...
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Question #8: is a 14" X 45" belt big enough to jog/run on?
i'm looking to buy a treadmill and found one at thats pretty much in my price range
its the Weslo G-30 Treadmill so yea if anyone
could tell me if that size is good enough to jog
on i'd appreciate it.
Answer: Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm
also trying to lose weight and I found this great
product which is working for me. You can check the
website at , I
had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping
and handling. Best of luck!
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Question #9: I have a weslo momentum elliptical, but it only stays at one high level, how can i fix it?
Answer: Start with the manufacturer's help site.
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Question #10: Weslo Cardio Glide? Did you like it??
Hi could anyone please tell me wether or not you
have tried Weslo Cardio Glide and if you like it
or not? Not the "plus" version, the
regular type. Was it good? Did u see reelts?
How often and how long did u use it? Or was it a
waste of money? Thanku in advance!! Any info
would be greatly apriciated!! Thx again!!!!!!!!
Answer: I do own a Weslo Cardio Glide and I like it. I
consider it a very safe way to work out the arms.
I wouldn't recommended using it as the ONLY type
of workout because I don't feel it works out the
entire body (though if you bend more as you are
pulling it can produce some impact on your
abdominal area). It may be good to add in a
jog/run here or there, because the cardio glide
doesn't work out the thighs/buttocks area as
opposed to riding a bike. There is some impact on
the legs though - around my first and second week
of use my calves felt tighter when I walked. You
may not feel much while you are on the cardio
glide but just wait until you get off after 15+
minutes! Also I still use it about 3-4 times a
week. It's a very relaxing and silent machine, and
with regular use time seems to fly by when you
work out. Well, that's because I can situate it in
front of my TV!Results are good, and you don't get
the feeling that your body "can't take it
anymore!" - at least I didn't. Set the red
thingie's setting at 5-7 - (8 or 9 after your
first 3 weeks to a month of use is good) and it'll
give you a good hard work's sweat! :)
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