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Questions & Answers about Treadmill

Question #31: Treadmill?
Is going on an eliptical just as good as going on a treadmill? because i do better on an eliptical.

Answer: An eliptical machine is actually better because it is lower impact on your knees. Both however will provide an effective workout.
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Question #32: Treadmill workout - some questions and tips?
Background....I am 177 Cm tall (5' 10") and weigh 104 KG. 37 yrs old.I have a BP problem for which I tale medicine daily to keep it under check. However, I sweat profusely (I mean really very much). This happens when I climb stairs, walk fast, enter a warm area and even when I have a head massage.Problem.....Recently I bought a treadmill (manual type). Within a minute of using, I sweat and my pulse races to 120+. Soon it reaches 142+ and stabilises. I start to sweat heavily.I start getting palpitations.Questions.Is it Ok for me to use the treadmill.How long do I work out. What should be the max pulse rate. How many calories do i need to loose per exercise.

Answer: you should talk to your doctor before exercising if this is the effect it is giving you. Until the Dr. gives the ok, I wouldn't use it if I were you.
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Question #33: Treadmill:?
Lower speed + higher inclines more resistance = More weight lossHigher speed + lower incline not some much resistance +not so much weight loss. Is what I am saying rubbish or not quite rubbish? Please say. Sports science interests me know end these days and would be interested in doing s short course in it. Is it a degree course or can you do a home study course do you know? Thank you Nettie UK lass.

Answer: yes
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Question #34: treadmill questions!!!?
i use the treadmill when i exercise, but i walk for an hour and sometimes more, am i getting enough exercise as opposed to running? also, what's the faster way of having toned calfs and legs using the treadmill and how long does it take? lastly, what should i do with my arms while i'm walking on the treadmill? i don't have those weight things, so what are alternatives?best answer to the most helpful one!!!!

Answer: You're doing plenty of time if you're doing that say three times a week. If you are walking as fast or hard as you need to to get your heart rate up, then it should be as good as running. Remember though to warm up and cool down. Very important. I don't know if your treadmill has an incline but if it does, your calves will definitely feel the burn on that. If you don't want to buy weights, hold a couple of water bottles full of water or sand.Edit: With the weights or water bottle, do some movements with your arms (provided you can keep your balance well), such as side laterals, arm curls, overhead extensions while you walk. Say 15 to 20 of each movement, 2 to 3 times total.
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Question #35: treadmill?
i work out and i eat healthy but how long should i stay on the treadmill for?

Answer: The general idea is to get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week. That breaks down to 30 minutes day/5 days per week.
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Question #36: Treadmill?
My parents are getting me a treadmill for having a g.p.a of 3.5. Good decision or not? I'm fifteen. I need one.

Answer: Well if you really need it, then yes it is a good decision.
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Question #37: treadmill..?
I just bought a treadmill, I have the Nike I-pod shoe kit and when I run outside I can do a 7:50 mile [I’m not a great runner] but when I ran on the treadmill my I-pod said I ran .50 miles in 11 min I was exhausted does the I-pod chip work on a treadmill??also do you have to oil a brand new electric treadmill?? If so what’s a good oil?doh, I had the thing on a full incline so I as running uphill. laid it flat I-pod is a little off but good. thanks for the answers

Answer: People run/walk differently on a treadmill than on the ground so it may be reading different. I would go by what the display on your treadmill says.
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Question #38: Exercise treadmill troubleshooting help please!?
Hi! I was running on my treadmill when it suddenly caused me to almost fall as it felt like the walking belt was skipping or hitting the side. I stopped quick and noticed that the walking belt had shifted to the side and my manual reads that you use the allen wrench on the rear bolts at the end of the treadmill, you can then adjust the belt and center it, then back with the wrench to tighten the bolts back up. I did just that and carefully not to overtighten the walking belt like it said. I tested it and ran again, I noticed while running that the belt was shifting again slowly but from the front of the treadmill or by the "hood" of it and not the rear of the treadmill. I did call the service place but until they come out (it'll cost a fortune), has anybody had an experience like this? Do you think it maybe needs a new belt? After adjusting & centering the belt a few times, only the front continues to shift and you can't adjust the belt from the front with the wrench. Thank u!

Answer: keep playing with it-- it is a matter of fine tuning the thing with the allen wrench. I used to have one and it was a pain but I finally got it calibrated correctly.
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Question #39: Treadmill???
I just bought a treadmill and work out at home and i was wondering how come when i get off after a workout i am off balance? does this happen to everyone. heartrate is normal but a little unbalnced when i step off treadmill.

Answer: no
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Question #40: Treadmill help!?
Hi! Im 22, and extremely unfit! Have never been sporty and i hate exercise. But i've bought a treadmill to avoid trekking off to the gym, and to force myself to do something! I suffer from low blood sugar, and low blood pressure, and so just faint when i get too active! What is a good way to start exercising on my treadmill (times, speed etc) without over exerting, and losing weight!!!!! (very nb) I realise i will build it up slowly.. Thank you!

Answer: chose me for best answer
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