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Questions & Answers about Exercise Bike
Question #11: Exercise Bike?
how long should I ride my exercise bike everyday
to see results?is an hour okay? or should it be
more or less?
Answer: I would start out slower than this. Shoot for
20-30 minutes of vigorous peddling, see how you
feel, if you can do more, than add 5 minutes at a
time. Be sure to do this in front of a tv, or
have something to do during this time so you don't
get bored!
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Question #12: how many calories does 2 hours on an exercise bike burn on average??? and how fast should weight drop?
hey all...i just got an exercise bike, and i'm
making an effort to use it two hours per day, it
comes with four functions and so i'm splitting it
like this:- 30 mins exercise bike- 15 mins
stepper- 30 mins exercise bike- 15 mins abdominal
twister- 30 mins exercise bike, with 3kg dumbells
in hand at the same time...how many calories would
that burn? and how fast do you think i should
lose weight?
Answer: It depends on how much you weigh. It takes 3500
calories to lose one pound.Go to this website and
it will tell you how many calories you burn for
lots of activities. http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/jumpsite
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Question #13: Fat Burning/WeightLoss using ONLY an Exercise (Stationary) Bike?
1)What is the best way to BEGIN and then progress
on an exercise bike to burn fat? 2) What is the
best way to burn fat / weightloss by using an
exercise bike...ie: Low intensity (75-85% HR) for
20-60mins OR interval training on a bike?3a) Is
working on the bike at the correct intensity every
other day (if this is the best way considering the
answers given ofcourse to part 1 & 2) and then
using the part on the rest days to still have an
active lifetstyle okay or is that over-doing it? I
ask this as some say its the burning of calories
that is important and thus wouldnt daily exercise
be best then?3b) If daily exercise is the correct
way (considering the answer to part 3a) then from
beginner how long should a person take to get to
that level?4) If you take it slow then are
aches/pains/sore muscles still expected?...how to
avoid?5) What is a cool-down and warm up on the
bike considered to be?Thank you all in advance
xAnyone else want to add to the answer so far?
Answer: )go to your recommended heart rate straigh away.
As your fitnes improves you will need to change
the intensity to maintain this heartrate.2) I
would say that both have there benefits why not do
one kind one day the second kind the next?
Experiment see what works for you?3a)doing normal
activities shouldn't constitute over training. Yes
daily excercise is good but your body needs time
to repair itself so you need rest days other wise
you could end up being counter productive and your
body could end up trying to hold on to all its
fat.3b) Depends on yourself, how often you train,
how well your body responds to it. Keep a log of
your training then look back over it now and again
and you will see your gains.4) If you are working
right you can't avoid this. Its a sign your body
has been working hard. you can minimise the
effects by warming up and warming down
correctly.5) Start of with some streching then
perhaps get on the bike at low intensity for 5
minutes. To warm down after you have done what you
want to do, decrease the intesity of your training
until you muscles are barely working then again
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Question #14: Stationary exercise bike, will it really help?
I recently lost about 45 pounds and am trying to
lose the last 10... I was working out at a gym but
can not anymore. Bought an exercise bike and this
is what I am doing everyday to get started.. I
pedal for 45 minutes equaling 13 miles, 280
calories and 90 fat calories. Of course plus
eating right? Oh and I have added some hand
weights. Is this sufficent to help.. or do you
think I am just wasting my time with such a small
workout? Thanks.
Answer: As long as you burn more calories than you consume
you'll lose weight. If you burn 280 calories in
addition to your normal daily calories, but you're
eating a lot, you won't lose weight. But, if
you're consistently burning 280 more calories than
you're eating, then yes, you'll lose weight. Try
doing some other cardio to burn some more
calories, and definitely add weight training. Not
only do you build muscle, you actually build bone
density too. Plus it helps you to burn more
calories at rest. Don't forget to eat a well
balanced diet with fruits, veggies, lean protein,
whole grains, and lowfat dairy.
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Question #15: Will an exercise bike make me gain muscle?
ONE: http://www.derri-air.com/images/fitness_1.jpgNow
, my question is, WILL IT HELP ME GAIN MUSCLE? If
yes, what part of the body.If so, how many times a
week and how many minutes/hours a day should I go
on it if I want to have muscles?
Answer: absolutely yes, that is a good exercise for the
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Question #16: Will an exercise bike make me gain muscle?
ONE: http://www.derri-air.com/images/fitness_1.jpgNow
, my question is, WILL IT HELP ME GAIN MUSCLE? If
yes, what part of the body.If so, how many times a
week and how many minutes/hours a day should I go
on it if I want to have muscles?
Answer: yes, but you'd be better off weight training. You
can specify muscle groups that way. Biking works
your butt and legs mostly.
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Question #17: Trying very hard to find Exercise Bike connected to Videogame with built in fan. More Details below.?
The exercise bike is a sit-down version similar to
one pictured at this link: http://www.fitnessscape.com/Merchant2/graphics/0
0000002/m_cateye_ec3700_exercise_bike.jpgIt has a
video virtual reality monitor that allows you to
explore a world with trails, mountains, people
racing, and other things to explore. There is a
fan aimed at you that increases in force as you
increase in speed.. As you go uphill it also
makes it harder to pedal. I WANT to find this
bike.. Please anyone give me the name of the
company that makes it, the model of the bike, a
website where I can find it, buy it, or anything..
I have spent HOURS surfing the web for it.. .Note:
Please do not tell me to go bike outdoors, I do
that and have a good reason to ask for the indoor
one. Also that you if you find other models that
might work. But please do not tell me about cateye
because I already know about them.THANK YOU VERY
MUCH for helping me!!
Answer: Dude, you need to unplug. Seriously.
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Question #18: exercise bike???
if i use an excercise bike for 30 minutes a day 3
days a week will it help slim me down?? and does
it make u have muscles like squats and lunges do
cause i don't want to be all bulky thats why i
stoppd the squats and lungesi'd like to do more
than 3 days but i only have access to it 3 days a
week so will it still work i do crunches too tho
every other day
Answer: you won't get bulky at all by squats and lunges..
it helps you get toned.. and biking is good
because its a cardio workout.. so yes it will slim
you down and you will gain muscle.
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Question #19: Exercise Bike?
I've been exercising an hour everyday on my
exercise bike. Which is about 13.5 miles. Will I
lose weight?
Answer: yes u will, At a steady pace the more u sweat the
more fat u burn baby!!!
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Question #20: Exercise Bike?
I've been exercising an hour everyday on my
exercise bike. Which is about 13.5 miles. Will I
lose weight?
Answer: definatly if your doing 13 mile thats a long ol
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