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Questions & Answers about Step Exercise

Question #1: body help?
how can i tone my body up qucikly? im going on holiday in about 3 and a half weesk and i would like to tone up my stomach and legs mainly but id like to try and tone as much of the body as i can. but how? like wat exercises should i do?and how many? oh yh i have a running machine and this stepping machine thing and a punch ball so will these be any good? . also wat sort of food should i eat? plz help,very appreiciated thanks xxx

Answer: I would join Curves right away, and exercise every single day prior to going on your vacation.Best of luck!
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Question #2: Why can't I exercise any more?
For the past couple of months, I've been exercising daily on a step machine for about an hour, with no problems. More recently, however, I've been unable to exercise for more than a minute without feeling weak in the legs and so have been unable to exercise. I've been drinking plenty of water, and although for the first couple of months I exercised before breakfast, I've tried it after eating at several different times of the day and have found the same effect.

Answer: Why dont you see a doctor?
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Question #3: How can i really tone up or lose weight on my legs,tummy and luv handles in 4 weeks?
I am petite-only size 8 and my BMI is only about 18.4 but I have a small waist which used to be toned but has since got a bit of a podge on it, under my belly button- how do i tone this area?Also for a slim person my thighs are too fat! HOW can i make my legs slimmer or tone them.I have a step machine and am doing 500/day which ill take to 1500/day from monday and i plan to swim a few time/wk also.I have 4 wks before i go on holiday with my bf,its his 1st time abroad n i wana look hot for him. I want to tone my legs, tummy, ass and luv handles..any advice welcome!If I walk to work and back the last couple of wks that would be 6miles a day-surely that will help?

Answer: Try a personal trainer and go to the gym.
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Question #4: How to lose weight off your legs?
ive been trying to lose weight off my legs i have a step machine at home which ive been using for 2months 30mins a day and im not seeing that much results, i also go to the gym and i have a very healtly diet, By the way i cant run beacuse im in physio OH and how do you tone them and your bun?

Answer: cut them off
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Question #5: Exercise before or after gym?
Hello.I am a 28 year old female who is very a very active participant in my gym. I go at least 5 to 6 days a week for at least 2 hours: I briskly walk (3 to 3.5 mph) at an inclination of 15 for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Then I use weight machines for 20 minutes, then 20 additional minutes working on glutes and abs. Then sometimes I return to the treadmill or step machine for 20 minutes.My question is, Is it more effective to eat before going to the gym or to wait until I get back, or a little of both?I also want to know if anyone knows how to eat (or drink) grapefruit to help burn fat, and any other fat burning, metabolism boosting tricks?Serious answers only please. I am trying to lose another 40 pounds before christmas. Thanks.

Answer: hmm,well, i usually eat before i go to the gym. for stuff like carbs, etc so it gives me more energy to lift, but i don't do any cardio at all, as im trying to gain lbm.but as for you, well some people just wake up in the morning and run straight away, and sometimes they get in say, a protein shake, or a small meal. some cases though, they feel sick without having anything on the stoumach.I myself am in the gym for 1 hour, that is plenty of time for me. you might want to switch on different days.Weight lifting on:MondayWednesdayFridayCardio on:TuesdayThursdaySaturdayAnd have 1 days rest on Sundaybe sure to get the right amount of food in to you aswell. grilled chicken breasts, meat, steamed/boiled vegetables, fruit, milk, etc.Good luck
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Question #6: Should I do situps?
I am fat. I am 30 pounds overweight and most of my fat is on my belly. If I do situps will it just make my fat pop out more. I just started going to the gym 3 days ago and I have been doing the step machine, tredmil, the rower, and two different bikes. Should I lose some weight before doing situps?

Answer: no, situps will help.
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Question #7: I just started running again how do I improve my distance?
Ive never been a regular runner , I usually just do the step machine and treadmill to lose weight. Over the last two week Ive ran a combined 14 miles(4,2,3.5,4.5) Ive kept myself active with basketball and weights in between running days. and I have taken 2 days off with out any kind of workout. Is this a good routine. I want to increase my distance I am 33 years old and have always been athletic but not a runner.

Answer: I have found interval training the best. Each week I run longer before slowing the pace (for just a minute) then continuing on at a quicker pace.It's just what worked for me.
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Question #8: A good exercise plan for... now?!?
I dont have time to go all the way 2 my gym n work out 2day. I should have gone earlier. I have a mini step machine, aerobic step and mini trampoline. Does anyone know how to get the best workout from these? I like it when my body feels like iv jus thoroughly worked out. Never get that feeling with the home equipment i have but maybe i'm just not doing it right.

Answer: Okay... Until last year, I'd been working out at a gym (for 4 years) then a shoulder injury prevented me from going there anymore. After a four-month break from bodybuilding, I've now resumed my efforts... only now, I dont go to the gym anymore. I dont even train with weights for fear of aggravating my shoulder's condition. I train pure calisthenics (bodyweight training) and believe it or not, this burns fat and puts more muscle on me than weight training can!You'd best start out with the simplest of stretches and keep increasing your reps. Train harder with fewer rest periods. It would be a nice idea to run through google for calisthenic excercises. You'll find some helpful stuff. You can also head down to where you'll find lots of books on the subject.If you're interested, there's this ebook that sells for 20 bucks... it's the guide I'm currently using. It's got all the exercises you'll need and the guy even offers a full money back guarantee....You can check it out here:
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Question #9: Started lifting, but how can I start to gain weight?
I started lifting about 8 months ago and am starting to get in shape, but I haven't seen much muscle gain. I've tried to eat more protein, but I haven't taken any supplements yet. I'm 22, 5' 11" and weight about 165 now. What could I do to see some bigger gains in muscle mass and make my abs start to show (they're there but they're right under a small layer of fat)? My current work out schedule:Cardio (eliptical or step machine) 3 or 4 days a weekLift (Nautilus machines) 2 days a weekCrunches/Abs 2 days a weekI usually rest one day a week and sometimes do more than one of the above in a given day/workout.

Answer: Most of us are trying hard to lose weight, and there you are trying to gain weight. Lucky, lucky you!
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Question #10: Favourite gym dance tracks ?
Can anyone think of their favourite tracks they take to the gym on their ipods - the tracks that make you go full pelt on the treadmill or step machine. I'm thinking ones such as Chemical Brothers Star Guitar.Any ideas folks ?

Answer: faithless insomnia
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