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Home » Q & A » Energy Drink

Questions & Answers about Energy Drink

Question #1: Energy Drink?
Which is the best energy drink? Including taste, how long it lasts and nutrition.... THX

Answer: Red bull definitly
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Question #2: Savage Energy Drink?
So, anyway when I spent some time in South Carolina-Georgia...they had this energy drink I thought it was really good? Though, now that I'm back in the Northern States..THey don't sell em. Anyway, of prolly getting some (perhaps free of charge) Savage energy drinks?

Answer: yea that s true cause that happened to my uncle
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Question #3: which energy drink gives the most energy?
i dont like cofee i usually drink red bull before a soccer game but b4 i use to drink red bull i would drink gatorade but gatorade kinda sucks for me it makes my stomach hurts i dont like it so now i drink energy drink because its not alot but it gives alot of energy wat energy drinks is the best to give alot of energy

Answer: Boo-Koo. Tastes good and gives me alot of energy
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Question #4: energy drink?
ok so my friends && i are going to a football game && want to get an energy drink before hand.I want to know the energy drink that will give us the most crazy-energy-feeling.Anyone know of an energy drink that can do that?&& where do i get it?

Answer: Well ... just ponder this for a moment.Redbull's main ingredient is taurine.Taurine is bile .... from a bull..... Hence the name ... Redbull.:-]I suggest those little 5-hour energy shots that you can get at most gas stations. They usually have them up at the counter.
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Question #5: Which energy drink is best to take?....?
I work a 10 hour shift... and sometimes I do feel like I'm dragging my pace at work... So the other day I took an energy drink called Rockstar.... I took it around 12 in the afternoon.. at first I was full of energy!! I felt great!!!! But then like 3 hours later!! I felt like crap!!! Zombie like! does anybody know which energy drink I should use... Which one last longer... Or if there is another method of energy booster I could use so I could get through my 10 hours at work?!! thanks!

Answer: I recommend that you don't use any energy drink at all. Energy drinks have high caffeine, artificial sweeteners, ginseng, and other artificial ingredients that are not only very bad for your health, but will also give you the energy you need for the first two or three hours, but will then drop your energy down lower than it was before.I know this from years and years of experience trying different energy drinks, and none of them will give you long-lasting energy to make it through your 10 hour day. I discovered the solution. It's a drink called Boost. At first I thought it was only for the elderly, but I have found that it is the only thing that I can drink that will give me energy all day long. The reason for the sustained energy boost is the protein. When you are tired your body is tapped of it's protein.Try them. I like the Boost High Protien Chocolate, but there are different flavors and protien content, just try different ones and find one that works best for you. Best of luck!
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Question #6: Help me with this ENERGY DRINK survey, include your gender and age. Thank you!?
Name reasons why or why you don’t consume energy drinks.Does the inclusion of vitamins and minerals in energy drinks increase your likelihood of drinking them? How often do you consume an energy drink, if ever? Name as many energy drinks as you can -- now which one is your favorite? If none are your favorite, say none.What kind of taste and flavor would you prefer in an energy drink? Explain perceptually. What energy drink companies and/or ads do you recall, if any, at any event you've attended? Does advertising. such as in TV commercials, radio, magazine ads and the like, influence what energy drinks you favor? If so, which medium is the most effective to you? In what way does the name of an energy drink affect your purchase of it? How much of an impact does the color and graphic design of a can play in your purchase of an energy drink? Would you buy an energy drink just because you like its slogan (example, “Party like a Rockstar!”)? If so, why?Do your friends or family influence what energy drinks you like? If so, why do you suppose this is? Have you ever heard of Who's Your Daddy energy drink? Have you ever tried a Who's Your Daddy energy drink? If so, what was your experience drinking it? If I gave you a taste sample of Who's Your Daddy and you like it more than your favorite energy drink brand, would you make a switch to Who's Your Daddy? If not, why?YES/NO: Have you ever mixed alcohol with an energy drink?I APPRECIATE YOU ALL. THIS WILL HELP ME WITH MY MARKETING PROJECT. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Answer: sorry to long!
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Question #7: what's a good energy drink?
i need energy drinks during the school year so i can stay awake to study. i get tired very i hope energy drinks will help keep me awake. what's a good energy drink?

Answer: Don't drink Full Throttle.. it tastes terrible.I drink Monster Energy.. they have a lot of flavors to choose from. The black can with the blue M is my favorite. A lot of people like the black can with the green M. They also have one called Monster Khaos, it sells out of our cooler at work faster than anything, so I am assuming it is good.Red Bull is great too, but the flavor isn't wonderful.I usually have my energy drink with a meal. If you drink it by itself, you will crash later. If you can't get a meal in, get something like a bag of trail mix with nuts for protein.
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Question #8: does RockstaR energy drink really work?
ok, so i have tried RockstaR energy drink because i heard it's one of the best energy drinks that taste good and gives you energy; however, I don't feel energized at all! i have tried 2 types of RockstaR, original, and the ZERO CARB(this one supposably was the best at energizing and has more caffeine) i sometimes work late so I try out the energy drink but end up feeling sleepy even after drinking RockstaR. and yes i drink the energy drink when and before i feel sleepy or out of energy. anyone know whats going on here? and what energy drink "really" works?

Answer: I Like Any Sobe Energy Drinks. They Give Me Energy & Taste Hella Good.
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Question #9: Best tasting energy drink?
What do you think is the best tasting energy drink? I like the taste of carbonation and the ingredients found in energy drinks. My favorite so far is Full Throttle, the original black can.

Answer: i like, redbull, adrenaline rush, and amp
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Question #10: Side effects of Monster Energy Drink or pregnancy symptoms..?
It's weird. Last time I got my period was around the end of June. I had unprotected sex for one whole month (july), and I was expecting my period this past week. The problem is that I drink 2 or sometimes 3 monsters a day to keep myself awake at work or school. Now I am confused. The energy drinks would keep me awake all the time, and I wouldn't get hungry either; now, I feel sleepy almost all day long, and I still get hungry even after I drink the Monster energy drinks. I've had this habit for about a year now, and this is the first time (last 2 weeks) that those energy drinks are not working for me anymore. I am not even trying to get pregnant because 2 yrs ago I tried and I never got, so I'm thinking that it will not happen anyway...

Answer: Are you serious? Do you realize what caffeine does to your body after awhile? Its more likely the caffeine causing it. Try to ween yourself off of it. Try to drink more water.I know im not that helpful but that happens to me all the time when im drinking soda with caffeine. No way your pregnant lolSearch up "caffeine intoxication" and "caffeine withdrawal" symptoms and see if you have simuliar symptoms.
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