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Questions & Answers about Body Building

Question #21: How Popular Is BodyBuilding In India???
I am currently exploring business opportunities in India and I was contemplating the establishment of more fitness clubs / gyms as well as Bodybuilding associations.Indians are not exactly famous for their bodybuilding prowess but I have noticed that the few that do it, tend to be very good at it. I was just wondering how popular bodybuilding is in India?

Answer: non existant
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Question #22: How Popular Is BodyBuilding In India???
I am currently exploring business opportunities in India and I was contemplating the establishment of more fitness clubs / gyms as well as Bodybuilding associations.Indians are not exactly famous for their bodybuilding prowess but I have noticed that the few that do it, tend to be very good at it. I was just wondering how popular bodybuilding is in India?

Answer: Not very popular as India is a poor country & games & athletics is not given due importance in most of educational institutions, most of whom do not have their own playgrounds even. In small cities it will be a flop business .Only in metro cities some hope is there but land cost is highly prohibitive. Average body build up has very low standard in India.
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Question #23: bodybuilding?
im 16 and iv been workin out for a while.biceps-16 inchchest 50 inchis that good

Answer: ya thats fine im 14 and my biceps are bout 14 inches so ur good and ur chest is fine ok juss work out hard and eat alot of protein and ul be fine
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Question #24: What bodybuilding supplements are good?
I'm interested in getting some bodybuilding supplements but i'm really lost on which brand or product to start on...Would like to know if you guys got any recommendations on which products from which company? and is there such thing as a shake that doubles as a bodybuilding supplements and a fat burner?

Answer: Just go down to your local GNC, the people there will help you out....I take creatine in pill form....I would tell you the name but i'm in the middle of moving and cannot find it. But it hydrates your muscles, allows you to do more reps, and it has another added substance that encourages your body to burn fat before muscle. I also noticed a small boost in energy as well as a slightly shorter recovery rate, my muscles aren't sore for as long. It's been working quite well for me, of course I drink protein shakes along with this. If you do start taking creatine just make sure you drink plenty of water and follow the directions on the bottle.
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Question #25: bodybuilding?
im gona quit working out for about a mounth or two how can i still keep my body the way it is and not lose it?

Answer: hahaha. funny. you can't.
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Question #26: bodybuilding?
i have been lifting wieghts for about 6 months now and i dont really see too much of a change and i do all my reps and everything correctly the only thing i have seen change in is my chest and my shoulders but i was on wieght gainer from gnc for about 1 month and they stopped taking cuz had no effect on me and i eat protien everyday and i get a good sleep can someone help me out

Answer: i got the same problem, but people tell me a gotta eat more, like around 5000 calories a day. I only get like 2500. so im trying to eat more. That should work for u too.
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Question #27: bodybuilding?
im 17, 5 8 180lbs. large frame. not really fat .do you recommend losing wieght. or just working out till it all turns to muscle?

Answer: lose 10lb just keep your muscle proportion then the lady would love u make sure keep ur look up too. lol
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Whenever ancient statues, idols and other Hanuman related remnants are excavated, the physique and body structure of the hanuman imagery is muscular and built to such an extent that he must have been advaned in bodybuilding. The ancients must have been aware of the effects of bodybuilding on the body structure to be able to build statues so accurate in so far as the physique. Moreover, when carbon dating is used to ascertain the age, the age is classed as being thousands of years old - a time when bodybuilding didn't even exist.Moreover, the ancient vedic civilisations was believed to be advanced in sports and fitness and the hindu texts encourage wrestlers and bodybuilders to worship Hanuman. In Greek Mythology there is a deity that is described in terms strikingly resembling Hanuman and the Greek deity was also renowned for his bodybuilding prowess. Is HANUMAN the TRUE FOUNDER of BODYBUILDING???

Answer: dont kno, check the internet
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Whenever ancient statues, idols and other Hanuman related remnants are excavated, the physique and body structure of the hanuman imagery is muscular and built to such an extent that he must have been advaned in bodybuilding. The ancients must have been aware of the effects of bodybuilding on the body structure to be able to build statues so accurate in so far as the physique. Moreover, when carbon dating is used to ascertain the age, the age is classed as being thousands of years old - a time when bodybuilding didn't even exist.Moreover, the ancient vedic civilisations was believed to be advanced in sports and fitness and the hindu texts encourage wrestlers and bodybuilders to worship Hanuman. In Greek Mythology there is a deity that is described in terms strikingly resembling Hanuman and the Greek deity was also renowned for his bodybuilding prowess. Is HANUMAN the TRUE FOUNDER of BODYBUILDING???

Answer: He is a air jacket
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Is HANUMAN the TRUE FOUNDER of BODYBUILDING???Whenever ancient statues, idols and other Hanuman related remnants are excavated, the physique and body structure of the hanuman imagery is muscular and built to such an extent that he must have been advaned in bodybuilding. The ancients must have been aware of the effects of bodybuilding on the body structure to be able to build statues so accurate in so far as the physique. Moreover, when carbon dating is used to ascertain the age, the age is classed as being thousands of years old - a time when bodybuilding didn't even exist.Moreover, the ancient vedic civilisations was believed to be advanced in sports and fitness and the hindu texts encourage wrestlers and bodybuilders to worship Hanuman. In Greek Mythology there is a deity that is described in terms strikingly resembling Hanuman and the Greek deity was also renowned for his bodybuilding prowess. Is HANUMAN the TRUE FOUNDER of BODYBUILDING???

Answer: he is the role model!!!
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